We believe it's the true future of safety

The aim of Alert 5® is to provide a rapid alerting system for anyone who may need it regardless of age or gender. The system is designed to be used ONLY in emergencies and to that end you should let each of your alertees know that is the case and discuss with them how you would like them to react. 

Fairly obviously, I could identify my son or daughter in a crowd quicker than a policeman with an accurate desciption. Similarly, if my mother had a flat tyre or broke down in a rural area I would know the car to look for, its colour, model etc and may know the local area better than any car recovery service.

There are endless uses of this service and to that end we are exploring more and more links to companies and charity organisations. We also donate 10% to related charities on an ongoing monthly basis to assist in the important work each of them do.

  • Immediate alerts to family, friend or work colleagues
    Alerts are sent directly to your chosen contacts that are in your phones contact list. These contacts can be changed on the fly.
  • Accurate location details using latitiude /longitude.
    The latitude and longitude are taken from your handset GPS chips so provide very accurate location details when your alert is raised.
  • 24 x 7 x 365 response if linked with Securitas UK
    If you choose to link to Securitas UK who have reciprocal suritity centres in over 60 countries we can ensure that your alert is monitored by a human being and that your alert is responded to immediately any time of day or night.
  • Send “push messages” to your member defined by referral code
    If you are a charity and we have provided you with a referral code to give to your members, you can send them a message directly to their handset with some relevant information, any time you wish.
  • Easy to use
    Alert 5® is based on a familiar device, your handset! So there is no huge learning curve of how to use it – it is literally a doulbe tap once you have set it up!
  • Plot-able POI’s on map sent to alertee
    Relevant Points Of interest may be plotted on the map sent to alertees so that they can identify areas near the alerter.
  • Pan, Zoom, street names & satellite images on maps
    All the usual features of Google maps are available on the map sent to the alertees so they can pan around the map and perhaps add street names for a better description of the alerters location.
  • Alerters details on map, name, telephone number, last seen
    The person who raised the alert will have his/her details displayed on the map sent to the alertees so they can call to see what the emergency is.
  • Global usage if linked with SATcase
    If the SATcase unit is used with the Alert 5®  App it becomes a truelly global solution as it can beused in ANY country anywhere.
  • Ring fenced alerts
    Ring fenced alerts enable the user to set up an area to work in. If the user steps outside the ring fenced areas the alert is automatically raised.
  • Timed alerts
    If a timed alert is set an alert is sent when the timed alert expires. The user will be prompted to stop the timed alert one minute prior to the alert being sent